Add keyboard shortcut for disabling trackpad in Lubuntu
31 Jan, 2017
3 minutes read

I’ve sold Dell XPS 13 because of a keyboard, I’m back to Dell Inspiron 11 3000. I bought this marchine 8 months ago, Windows 10 was a bit heavy on this laptop. So I replaced OS as Lubuntu. The laptop is low spec but it’s not bad for the normal terminal work.

Only thing I hate is that this laptop doesn’t have a palm rejection. The touch pad is almost unusable, I think they forgot someone actually can use it as a pointing device. So I instantly searched how to disable the touchpad when I want. I found this solution.

I can see the device on xinput, but I cannot temporary disabled the touch pad using this script. It turns out, the other weird looking name one is actual touch pad. It shows up DLL0725:01 06CB:7D47 for me.

Also, xinput disable <id> makes something weird. When I use this shell script, the cursor is disappeared. So I changed the script like below:

# toggle state of synaptics touchpad

# changed SynPS to DLL because of the name
tpid=`xinput list | grep DLL | sed 's/.*id\=\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/g'`

# find out Device Enabled prop from the device
prop=`xinput list-props ${tpid} | grep Device\ Enabled`
propid=`echo ${prop} | sed -e "s/.*(\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/g"`
status=`echo ${prop} | sed -e "s/.*\:[ \t]\+//g"`

if [ 0 -eq ${status} ] ; then
    xinput set-prop ${tpid} ${propid} 1
    xinput set-prop ${tpid} ${propid} 0

I saved this file as at user directory and changed the file permission. I’m not sure the script is good enough so if you think this script can be upgraded, please leave a PR to the article.

chmod +x

My first thought is that this shell file should excute when Vim change to Insert mode. So I added autocmd config into the vim config file.

autocmd InsertEnter * silent! execute "!~/ > /dev/null 2>&1" | redraw!
autocmd InsertLeave * silent! execute "!~/ > /dev/null 2>&1" | redraw!

This event triggered when Vim change to Insert mode. I realised that the insert mode is the good solution because I couldn’t use my mouse when I did Alt-Tab action during the edit. Therefore, I added another hotkey for this script. I updated this code into openbox_config > Keyboard in ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml file. You can change if you want to use other keybind.

<keybind key="W-l">
    <action name="Execute">

Then refresh Openbox for the updating.

openbox --reconfigure

Now, Win+L will be the key just like a touchpad on/off switch.

This is not a good solution. There are so many options for this type of configuration, You can achieve same thing in other ways.

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